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Getting Started
Watch the welcome video & introduce yourself (7:12)
Make time for the Live Coaching (1:34)
Make time for dowsing and geomantic practise (3:38)
Join the members only Facebook group (4:21)
Live Coaching Calls
Modern Spirituality
The Sacred Feminine in Society (6:35)
Geomancy and Geocosmology - ancient mysticism to modern application (4:45)
Why is my environment important to my success?
Understanding Earth Energies & the Spirit of Place
Contents of Module 1
Traditions of Power (35:31)
Underground water (76:43)
Energy lines (63:47)
Grids and Geometric shapes (55:43)
Landscape Synergy (69:15)
The Reflective Nature of Yin and Yang Energy (69:01)
Understanding Geopathic Stress
Contents of Module 2
Landscape Stress (75:34)
Theory of Earth Energy & Stress Causes (65:35)
Leys and Healing methodology (69:15)
Remote Healing & Map Work (79:19)
Ghosts and other forms of psychic disturbance (67:01)
Air Quality (18:12)
Understanding Geopsychic Stress
Module 3 Contents
The Nature of Reality (66:24)
Place memory (87:30)
Boundaries (56:14)
Portals (71:36)
Human Ghost and Non-Human Spirits (66:40)
Healing, Harmonising and Enhancing
Overview (66:33)
Healing earth energy (4:49)
How to identify the most appropriate points for healing (11:05)
How to identify the most approriate remedies (4:48)
Notes on Circular Time (2:05)
Reversal points (11:20)
Understanding Power Centres
Module 5 Contents
The Three Pillars of Modern Western Geomancy (34:56)
Cycles of Space and Time - Basic Celestial Mechanics (24:37)
Cycles of Space and Time - The Movement of Energy in Time & Space (41:00)
Cycles of Space and Time - Advanced Celestial Mechanics (18:45)
Orthographic Projections - How to construct a stone circle (23:09)
Introduction to Sacred Geometry (24:31)
Experiential Sacred Geometry (38:59)
Cosmic Connections (11:14)
Working with Power Centres and Applying Geomantic Design
Module 6 Contents
Standing Stones and Stone Rows (20:46)
Stone Circles (23:17)
Round Towers (17:21)
Labyrinths (30:39)
Subtle Energy Beings
Making your first connections
What are Elemental Beings?
Nature spirits
Spirits of concepts, human activities and enterprises
The nature of time
The illusion of linear time...
The Wheel of Time
Working with the Sun & Moon
Spring Equinox (61:18)
Bealtaine (64:08)
Summer Solstice (65:20)
Lughnasagh (74:15)
Autumn Equinox (23:21)
Winter Solstice (65:47)
Imbolc (16:00)
Working with the Moon
Why work with the Moon
Moon Magic and Sacred Landscapes
The Power of Alignment
Harmony in Stone and Sky
The Complexity of Alignment
Dowsing and Geomancy Resources
Sacred Geometry
Hindu Vs Western Chakra System (30:02)
Create with Power Guided Meditation
Accessing Geological Data
Share your experience
Affiliate Opportunity
Guest Expert Opportunity
Teach online with
Theory of Earth Energy & Stress Causes
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